Support Us

Your help enable us to save our ocean

Thank you for your goodwill in supporting coral reef restoration programs in Indonesia. Each of your donations will be used 100% to support AdoptSea’s programs.

You can help us at any amount. For every donation above IDR 200.000 or 14 USD, we will adopt a coral under your name and send you the certificate. Please transfer only through the account below in the name of a.n. Isten Sweno Tamba
BRI 0417-01-029136-50-2 or BCA 8710-2029-32 (Indonesian Bank) or ABN AMRO IBAN: NL04 ABNA 0882 8535 54, Name: IS Tamba, BIC: ABNANL2A (the Netherlands Bank Account). 

Please upload proof of transfer or send to our

    Nama Anda