Welcome to AdoptSea

Approximately 500 million people depend on the existence of coral reefs. Unfortunately, more than half of the coral reefs have been lost and it is estimated that more than 90% will be gone by 2050. Let’s save one coral today. 


One of the ways you can save coral reefs is to adopt them yourself. You can adopt a coral reef we have planted (ADOPT NOW), or a pre-order service (Plant A Coral) which allows your name to be written in water. It is very suitable for gifts. We can also help print and send it to the destination address you want, just let us know in the order notes.

Any question? Find the answer in the FAQ.


The baby coral reefs below are waiting for you. Be one of the coral heroes by adopting one or more of the baby corals that we offer below. Your help enable us to plant more corals to save the ocean by involving our local partners. Adopt now and get the adoption certificate. You can also send it as a gift.

Any question? Find the answer in the FAQ.


The coral reef below has managed to get a new life and home because of the support of the adopters that we specifically call 'coral heroes'. For us and in the eyes of the world they are a group of true marine heroes. Thank you for your support Our Coral Heroes.


Karang Yang Telah Diadopsi Lokasi       : Pulau Pramuka...

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Karang Yang Telah Diadopsi Lokasi       : Pulau Pramuka...

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Karang Yang Telah Diadopsi Lokasi       : Pulau Pramuka...

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Adopsi Coral Mudah di AdoptSea

AdoptSea adalah situs adopsi pertama yang bergerak sebagai penghubung atau marketplace untuk mengadopsi produk-produk konservasi kelautan seperti terumbu karang. Melalui AdoptSea para mitra kami dapat dengan mudah menjangkau para adopter untuk mendukung program restorasi mereka. Disamping itu, para pelanggan atau adopter kami dapat memilih lokasi dan mitra terpercaya kami dengan jaminan dan keberhasilan proses adopsi yang tinggi