Adoptsea is the first platform in the world that serves as a marketplace or hub to bring together marine restoration actors such as coral reefs, mangroves and seagrasses to meet potential adopters for marine ecosystem viewers. Through AdoptSea, our partners can easily reach markets to support their restoration programs. In addition, our customers or adopters can easily choose our trusted locations and partners with a high guarantee of successful adoption process.

With this platform, ocean restoration can be achieved by involving everyone so as to increase a sense of concern for the future of our oceans.



Agustin Capriati


Agustin is our marine science advisor. Agustin is a conservationist and marine biologist. Currently, Agustin is studying a PhD at Wageningen University and Research with a focus on coral reef.

Hardo F.G.G Manik


Hardo is our organization management advisor. Hardo is a strategic management and organizational development researcher who graduated from Gadjah Mada University and is currently studying a Ph.D. at the University of Queensland, Australia


Isten Sweno Tamba,S.Pi, M.Sc


Isten is our chairman. Isten is a marine biologist and scientific diver from a well-known campus graduate, Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. Isten has been involved in marine restoration research and programs in Indonesia since 2016.

Durrotun Nasihin, M.Sc

Chief Technology Officer

Durrotun is the new CTO of adoptsea. With 7+ years of programming experience and a wealth of knowledge in Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Data Management, and ongoing master degree in Wageningen University and Research, Durrotun is ideally equipped to build on the impressive legacy of our previous CTO, Budi. We are confident that under Durrotun’s leadership, our software and website will continue to thrive and provide the best possible service to our users. 

Olipia Margaretha, S.E

Bussines Development Intern

Olipia is student intern at AdoptSea. Olipia has experiences in management, business analysis and accounting. Currently, Olipia is pursuing her master degree in management at PPM Management. Olipia is also very interested in the field of Environment and technological development.

Lailatul Rokhmah, S.Pi, M.Sc

Partnership and Collaboration

Lailatul is our Indonesian partnership and collaboration lead. Lailatul is a graduate marine biologist from Wageningen University and Research, the Netherlands. Lailatul has been involved in marine restoration research and programs in Indonesia since 2014.

Valencia Agatha Hutajulu S.Pi

Sosial Media Spesialist

Valen is our social media specialist who is responsible for every detail and content design of Adoptsea. Valen graduated with a Bachelor of Fisheries from the University of North Sumatra, Medan. He has been involved in the world of writing since 2011. So, don’t be surprised if you feel fascinated reading our post on our social media platforms. =

Talitha Salsabila, M.Sc

Parnership and Collaboration

Talitha is our international partnership and collaboration lead. Talithat is a conservation and environmental activist since 2017. Currently, Talitha is pursuing master’s studies at Wageningen University and Research in ecology and aquatic resources.


Muhammad Abdul Manaf, S.T, M.Sc

Business Development Lead

Manaf is our  business development lead. Manaf is a master’s graduate of Wageningen University and Research with Circular Economy specifications. Manaf has been in the business since 2018.

Maharany D. Prasetyawati S.ST, M.Sc


Maharanny is our ambassador. Maharanny is a graduate of Environmental Sciences Wageningen University and Research.  Maharanny is a marine lover and environmental activist. Actively involved in the production of eco enzymes, environmentally friendly soaps, and grounding coral adoption programs in the surrounding environment.